Please read before making an appointment. Contact us if you have any questions.

  • Swelling and bruising are common side effects immediately after the procedure and will subside within 48 hours. Cold packs can help get some relief.
  • Day of – Keep the area clean. Wipe your lips with a cotton round soaked in diluted green soap or distilled water every hour on the first day after your treatment. Pat dry. Its normal if you see colour come off the lips on the cotton. Apply the ointment provided using a Q-tip.
  • Day 2-5 – Keep the area clean. Wipe with cotton round soaked in distilled water or diluted green soap every time you eat or drink something to avoid infections from food etc. Be gentle. Apply the ointment with a Q-tip as and when necessary.
  • They will be dark and uneven. They may feel tight, dry and start to scab and peel. Keep them moisturized by applying the aftercare ointment using a Q-tip.
  • When the scabs start to peel do not wipe. Only pat until dry. Be gentle and do not pick on them prematurely.
  • Do not over wet the lips. Pat dry every time you wash your mouth as its impossible to keep the lips completely dry during the entire healing process, however, refrain from submerging for long periods.
  • Avoid touching the area with your hands. Always use a Q-tip to apply the ointment. If the area must be touched by your hands, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching the tattooed area.
  • If the skin around the tattooed area breaks into a heat rash or small pimples, this is usually a reaction from the numbing cream and will go away on its own in a couple of weeks. DO NOT PICK.
  • Day 10-14 – Colour may disappear but will come back by week 4 – 8. Colour would have faded by 40-60 percent. They may also change colour during the healing process. It’s all a part of the healing process and completely normal.
  • Week 3 – You may go back to your regular cleansing and makeup routine.
  • As the area heals the colour will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear in places. This will be addressed during the touch-up appointment, which is why the touch-up appointment is necessary. The procedure area has to heal completely before any concerns can be addressed. Healing takes about 4-8 weeks.
  • Do Not get any Botox or Fillers for 4 weeks.
  • After the area is completely healed, use a lip balm with SPF to protect from fading in the sun

Day 1-14, DO NOT

  • Scrub, rub or pick on the epithelial crust that forms. Be gentle while wiping and allow to flake off by itself. If removed prematurely, the pigment underneath can be pulled out.
  • Use any make up, lip balms or any lip products other than the aftercare ointment.
  • Use any Retin-A, Glycolic acid or Neosporin in the tattooed area during or after healing.
  • Take long showers.
  • Swim or use Saunas, Hot Tubs, Steam Showers or Tanning beds.
  • Perform activities that cause excessive sweating.


Depending on one’s age, lifestyle, skin type and aftercare, it can last anywhere between 1-3 years. A yearly touch-up is recommended to keep your lips looking fresh and beautiful.

  • Redness and soreness are common side effects after the procedure and will subside within 24-48 hours.
  • Day of – Keep the area clean and dry. Wipe your brows with a cotton round soaked in diluted green soap or distilled water every hour on the first day after your treatment. Pat dry. Apply the ointment provided using a Q-tip.
  • The day after your permanent makeup session, gently wash your new permanent eyebrows with warm water and anti-bacterial soap in a gentle fashion. Pat dry.
  • Day 2-10 – Clean your eyebrows at least once with warm water and soap and pat dry. Apply the ointment as and when needed /advised.


  • Do not scratch or pick your eyebrows after the session and during the healing process. Let the scabs (if any) fall off on their own. Picking and scratching will have negative effect on the final result.
  • Refrain from putting any skin care products for the first 2 weeks after your session.
  • Do not apply bleach or dye for 4 weeks after your session on the treatment area.
  • Do not expose your permanent brows to the sun directly without sunscreen.
  • No eyebrow tweezing, waxing or any other hair removal process until 2 weeks after your session.
  • Refrain from touching your brows with bare hands during the healing period.
  • Do not work out for 24 hours after your session
  • Do not use swimming pools, saunas or tanning beds for 2 weeks.
  • Avoid long showers for the first 3 days
  • Do not use makeup directly on your brows until 2 weeks.
  • Avoid sleeping face down on the pillow for the first few days.


Permanent eyebrows will seem intense and thick after your session and gets darker in the next few days. They will also seem to not look right the first few days. They may also completely disappear in the middle. But don’t stress as it is absolutely normal and these are all phases in the healing period.


Depending on one’s age, lifestyle, skin type and aftercare, it can last anywhere between 1-3 years. A yearly touch-up is recommended to keep your lips looking fresh and beautiful.